Complete Grow Tent Setup For Vegetables

A grow tent may be challenging to set up. However, with a few tips, you can erect a conducive grow tent for your future plants.

A tent aids you in recreating nature under your conditions. Thus it will enable you to grow your preferred crops all year, regardless of the season. Grow tents are also well ventilated, making it easier for plants to survive in high temperatures.

For those looking to start their own vegetable garden, here is a look at how to set up a small space grow tent for vegetables.

Setting Up A Grow Tent For Vegetables

Grow Tent Setup: The Materials

To setup a tent, you will need;

  • Grow Tent
  • Grow Light
  • Hood / Reflector
  • Hanging Equipment
  • Power Strips

For ventilation, you may need;

  • ​Carbon Filters
  • Ducting
  • Duct clips
  • Exhaust Fan
  • Circulation Fans

Read More: Why do you need a fan in grow tent.

7 Easy Steps To Set Up Your Vegetable Grow Tent

Step 1: Prepare the Space for Your Grow Tent

Firstly, you need to clean the space where you want to erect your tent. Also, disinfect the room thoroughly. 

Make sure you block any voids from where insects and dust can get in. Afterward, let your room air dry completely.

Step 2: Erect your structure

The erecting process differs depending on the tent type. Therefore, read keenly through the manual provided. Moreover, you can search for YouTube ideas to aid you with the process.

Grow tents are usually designed from aluminum bars that connect using plastic pieces. The bars are usually numbered, so it becomes easier to know where to fix each.

After setting up the structure, open up the fabric part of the tent-open all the zips. Find the base of the tent and place it over the aluminum bars you have set up. It should fit perfectly. Ensure it slips down without tugging too hard.

Moreover, be careful not to rip the structure’s fabric.

Grow Tent Setup For Growing Vegetables!

Step 3: Set Up the Extractor Fan and Intake Fan

These fans will regulate the airflow by supplying fresh filtered air and giving out stale exhaust air from your tent. Follow the manufacturer’s manual to install the cables and attach the fans in the frame correctly. They are mainly attached at the upper inside of your grow tent.

Afterward, attach the aluminum duct and ensure it is as straight as possible. Do a test to ensure the fans are working correctly.

Step 4: Set Up the Grow Lights

Artificial grow lights inside the tent that you can keep on all night will promote the rapid growth of your plants. Attach as many as advised by the tent’s manufacturer. Few lights will cause stunted growth, while many will burn your plants.

Led lights are the best for growing plants. They consume little energy, give out minimal heat and last a long time. Moreover, they can be easily adjusted without dropping on your plants.

Step 5: Set Up the Temperature and Humidity Gauge

The perfect combination of heat and moisture will help your plants thrive. Thus you need to constantly monitor them to ensure your plants get an optimal climate for growth.

Step 6: Conduct a safety check

Before placing your plants, you should review a few safety precautions. Ensure;

  • All your electrical works are secure
  • No electrical wires are on the floor or near water
  • Your lights and fans are working

Step 7: Add your plants

Your grow tent is now ready to use. Bear in mind your plant affects the conditions of your tent. Thus, keep a regular eye on the humidity and ventilation, carbon dioxide at an optimal state.

What vegetables can you grow in a tent?

Yes, you can grow a variety of vegetables in a grow tent. They include;

1. Spinach

There exist different varieties of spinach which include savory (wrinkly leaves), semi savory (fewer wrinkles), and smooth (leaves are soft). The shallow root of spinach makes them easy to grow and water. With spinach, you can directly sow the seed in the grow tent

2. Kales

Like spinach, you can easily grow kales from seeds. Planting kale requires some preparation before you transfer it to the soil of your grow tent.

Firstly, fill with several inches of soil. You can also use an open-ended piece of packaging instead. Consider that the potting soil will require extra moisture than the seeds grown on the ground.

Cover the base with a bit of dirt and allow the roots to grow by placing the tray in a sunny window in your grow tent. Ensure the soil gets enough moisture and does not dry out.

When the roots sprouts, you can transfer your seedlings into the soil in your grow tent.
While transferring, ensure the plants are close to each other but relatively far from other leafy greens because of their deep roots balls.

3. Cabbage

Cabbages save a lot of space in the grow tent due to their tight structure, thus achieving more yield per square foot. Black rot and slugs attack the plant. To control this pest and disease, make sure the soil and the leaves don’t have a lot of moisture

4. Green beans

Green beans are suitable for beginners. They produce a lot of vegetables within a short time. Ensure that your grow tent has a pole structure because the bean vines will intertwine on the grow tent poles if they don’t have support for twisting their vines.

5. Collard greens

Collard greens have thick stalks which are rich in minerals. They do well in soil with a PH of 6 to 7. The container used should have proper drainage and high organic content for drainage and nutrients purposes, respectively

6. Lettuce

Lettuce is must-have when making a salad. They can be grown in a plastic bottle. To grow them, but the bottom of lettuce in a glass full of water. The roots will appear in few days. After, transplant them in a container with potting soil.

Advantages of growing plants in a tent

  • A grow tent controls odors since it has a great ventilation system.
  • It allows you to grow anywhere since it is portable.
  • The tent gives you control over your crops growing conditions like temperature, humidity among others.
  • It makes it easier to keep pest and insects away hence minimizing crop infections.

Tips on growing plants in a tent

  • Be Picky on the Grow Tent You select.
  • Make sure the dimensions and measurements where the tent will be fixed are correct to make sure it fits well.
  • Ensure the electric circuit you select can handle the tent’s lighting demand.
  • Avoid placing the tent over carpet or hard wood floors if possible.


What will be a good temperature in my grow tent?

You will need to keep the temperature in your grow tent between 70-80 degrees F.

How many plants can you grow in a 4×2 tent?

You should be able to fit about 10 plants in a 4×2 tent.

Can I plant my own seeds in a grow tent?

Yes, you can plant your own seeds inside your grow tent.

How tall should grow tent be?

You can grow your plants as tall as you want. But you need to be careful about the height of your grow tent. You need to make sure that there is enough space for the plants to have light and air.

Can you grow cucumbers in a grow tent?

Yes, you can grow your cucumbers in your grow tent. However, cucumber is a vine and requires more space to grow. But plant breeders have developed varieties of cucumbers that are suitable for indoor growing as well, thus achieving similar yields with fewer land requirements.

Is it important to use peat soil in a grow tent?

Peat soil is the best soil to grow your plants in. Peat soil has a lot of nutrients for your plants.

Do LED grow lights work for vegetables?

Yes, LEDs work well for vegetable growth. You can use a single LED or an array of LEDs for growing tomatoes and other veggies. LEDs emit a very consistent light that mimics sunlight.

Can a grow tent catch on fire?

No, grow tents are fireproof. However, the materials of grow tents can melt or catch on fire. Keep a fire extinguisher handy if you ever need to put out a fire.

Happy growing!

With this information on setting up a tent and growing your plants, your growing journey may be more manageable. Good luck! Grab your seeds and begin growing.

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